Search Results: "Lucas Nussbaum"

7 April 2015

Lucas Nussbaum: Tentative systemd slides

I recently spent some time updating my systemd knowledge and decided to put together some slides that I ll use for a lecture. I m interested in feedback about things that are missing, unclear, etc. Available on slideshare, as PDF, and as LaTeX source.

20 March 2015

Lucas Nussbaum: Several improvements to UDD s Bug Search and Maintainer Dashboard

Several improvements have been made to UDD s Bug Search and Maintainer Dashboard recently. On the Maintainer Dashboard side, the main new feature is a QA checks table that provides an overview of results from lintian, reproducible builds, piuparts, and Check the dashboard for the Ruby team for an example. Also, thanks to Daniel Pocock, the TODO items can now be exported as iCalendar tasks. Bugs Search now has much better JSON and YAML outputs. It s probably a good start if you want to do some data-mining on bugs. Packages can now be selected using the same form as the Maintainer Dashboard s one, which makes it easy to build your own personal bug list, and will suppress the need for some of the team-specific listings. Many bugs have been fixed too. More generally, thanks to the work of Christophe Siraut, the code is much better now, with a clean separation of the data analysis logic and the rendering sides that will make future improvements easier. As the reminder, it s quite easy to hack on UDD (even if you are not a DD). Please report bugs, including about additional features you would like to see!

12 March 2015

Bits from Debian: Debian Project Leader elections 2015

It's that time of year again for the Debian Project: the elections of its Project Leader! Starting on April 1st, and during the following two weeks, the Debian Developers will vote to choose the person who will guide the project for one year. The results will be published on April 15th and the term for new the project leader will start on April 17th, 2015. Lucas Nussbaum who has held the office for the last two years won't be seeking reelection this year and Debian Developers will have to choose between three candidates: Gergely Nagy and Neil McGovern previously ran for DPL in past years; it's the first run for Mehdi Dogguy. The campaigning period started today and will last until March 31st. The candidates are expected to engage in debates and discussions on the debian-vote mailing list where they'll reply to questions from users and contributors.

17 February 2015

Lucas Nussbaum: Some email organization tips and tricks

I d like to share a few tips that were useful to strengthen my personal email organization. Most of what follows is probably not very new nor special, but hey, let s document it anyway. Many people have an inbox folder that just grow over time. It s actually similar to a twitter or RSS feed (except they probably agree that they are supposed to read more of their email feed ). When I send an email to them, it sometimes happen that they don t notice it, if the email arrives at a bad time. Of course, as long as they don t receive too many emails, and there aren t too many people relying on them, it might just work. But from time to time, it s super-painful for those interacting with them, when they miss an email and they need to be pinged again. So let s try not to be like them. :-) Tip #1: do Inbox Zero (or your own variant of it) Inbox Zero is an email management methodology inspired from David Allen s Getting Things Done book. It s best described in this video. The idea is to turn one s Inbox into an area that is only temporary storage, where every email will get processed at some point. Processing can mean deleting an email, archiving it, doing the action described in the email (and replying to it), etc. Put differently, it basically means implementing the Getting Things Done workflow on one s email. Tip #1.1: archive everything One of the time-consuming decisions in the original GTD workflow is to decide whether something should be eliminated (deleted) or stored for reference. Given that disk space is quite cheap, it s much easier to never decide about that, and just archive everything (by duplicating the email to an archive folder when it is received). To retrieve archived emails when needed, I then use notmuch within mutt to easily search through recent (< 2 year) archives. I use archivemail to archive older email in compressed mboxes from time to time, and grepmail to search through those mboxes when needed. I don t archive most Debian mailing lists though, as they are easy to fetch from master.d.o with the following script:
rsync -vP*/*$1/*$1.$ 2:-$(date +%Y%m) * .
Then I can fetch a specific list archive with getlist devel 201502, or a set of archives with e.g. getlist devel 2014, or the current month with e.g. getlist devel. Note that to use grepmail on XZ-compressed archives, you need libmail-mbox-messageparser-perl version 1.5002-3 (only in unstable I was using a locally-patched version for ages, but finally made a patch last week, which Gregor kindly uploaded). Tip #1.2: split your inbox (Yes, this one looks obvious but I m always surprised at how many people don t do that.) Like me, you probably receive various kinds of emails: Splitting those into separate folders has several advantages: I ve seen some people splitting their inbox into too many folders. There s not much point in having a per-sender folder organization (unless there s really a recurring flow of emails from a specific person), as it increases the risk of missing an email. I use procmail to organize my email into folders. I know that there are several more modern alternatives, but I haven t looked at them since procmail does the job for me. Resulting organization I use one folder for my day-job email, one for my DPL email, one for all other email directed or Cced to me. Then, I have a few folders for automated notifications of stuff. My Debian mailing list folders are auto-managed by procmail s $MATCH:
 * ^X-Mailing-List: <.*@lists\.debian\.org>
 * ^X-Mailing-List: <debian-\/[^@]*
Some other mailing lists are in they separate folders, and there s a catch-all folder for the remaining ones. Ah, and since I use feed2imap, I have folders for the RSS/Atom feeds I follow. I have two different commands to start mutt. One only shows a restricted number of (important) folders. The other one shows the full list of (non-empty) folders. This is a good trick to avoid spending time reading email when I am supposed to do something more important. :) As for many people probably, my own organization is loosely based on GTD and Inbox Zero. It sometimes happen that some emails stay in my Inbox for several days or weeks, but I very rarely have more than 20 or 30 emails in one of my main inbox folders. I also do reviews of the whole content of my main inbox folders once or twice a week, to ensure that I did not miss an email that could be acted on quickly. A last trick is that I have a special folder replies, where procmail copies emails that are replies to a mail I sent, but which do not Cc me. That s useful to work-around Debian s no Cc on reply to mailing list posts policy. I receive email using offlineimap (over SSH to my mail server), and send it using nullmailer (through a SSH tunnel). The main advantage of offlineimap over using IMAP directly in mutt is that using IMAP to a remote server feels much more sluggish. Another advantage is that I only need SSH access to get my full email setup to work. Tip #2: tracking sent emails Two recurring needs I had was: I developed a short script to address that. It scans the content of my Sent maildir and my archive maildirs, and, for each email address I use, displays (see example output in README) the list of emails sent with this address (one email per line). It also detects if an email was replied to ( R column after the date), and abbreviates common parts in email addresses ( becomes d-project@l.d.o). It also generates a temporary maildir with symlinks to all emails, so that I can just open the maildir if needed.

15 November 2014

Don Armstrong: Adding a newcomer ( ) tag to the BTS

Some of you may already be aware of the gift tag which has been used for a while to indicate bugs which are suitable for new contributors to use as an entry point to working on specific packages. Unfortunately, some of us (including me!) were unaware that this tag even existed. Luckily, Lucas Nussbaum clued me in to the existence of this tag, and after a brief bike-shed-naming thread, and some voting using pocket_devotee we decided to name the new tag newcomer, and I have now added this tag to the BTS documentation, and tagged all of the bugs which were user tagged "gift" with this tag. If you have bugs in your package which you think are ideal for new contributors to Debian (or your package) to fix, please tag them newcomer. If you're getting started in Debian, and working on bugs to fix, please search for the newcomer tag, grab the helm, and contribute to Debian.

9 November 2014

Lucas Nussbaum: Jessie frozen, can we release before FOSDEM?

Jessie was frozen on November 5th, as planned. At the time of the freeze, 310 RC bugs remained to be fixed. This is quite an achievement from the project as a whole, and the Release Team specifically. First, we froze on the date announced more than a year ago, and the freeze seems to have been well respected by all maintainers. Second, with 310 RC bugs at the time of the freeze, we are probably breaking a record for all recent Debian releases (though I don t have hard numbers for that). It seems that auto-removals of RC-buggy non-key packages helped a lot to keep the bug number under control. Assuming that all RC-buggy non-key packages were removed (which would be quite sad of course), we would even be down to about 150 RC bugs! Could we have the shorter Debian freeze ever? (wheezy: 44 weeks; squeeze: 26 weeks; lenny: 28 weeks; etch: 17 weeks). Given that FOSDEM is 12 weeks away, could we even release before FOSDEM, and have a big party there to celebrate? That s not impossible, but we need everybody s help. Random tip and tricks:

21 October 2014

Lucas Nussbaum: Tentative summary of the amendments of the init system coupling GR

This is an update of my previous attempt at summarizing this discussion. As I proposed one of the amendments, you should not blindly trust me, of course. :-) First, let s address two FAQ: What is the impact on jessie?
On the technical level, none. The current state of jessie already matches what is expected by all proposals. It s a different story on the social level. Why are we voting now, then?
Ian Jackson, who submitted the original proposal, explained his motivation in this mail. We now have four different proposals: (summaries are mine) [plessy] is the simplest, and does not discuss the questions that the other proposals are answering, given it considers that the normal Debian decision-making processes have not been exhausted. In order to understand the three other proposals, it s useful to break them down into several questions. Q1: support for the default init system on Linux
A1.1: packages MUST work with the default init system on Linux as PID 1.
(That is the case in both [iwj] and [lucas]) A1.2: packages SHOULD work with the default init system on Linux as PID 1.
With [dktrkranz], it would no longer be required to support the default init system, as maintainers could choose to require another init system than the default, if they consider this a prerequisite for its proper operation; and no patches or other derived works exist in order to support other init systems. That would not be a policy violation. (see this mail and its reply for details). Theoretically, it could also create fragmentation among Debian packages requiring different init systems: you would not be able to run pkgA and pkgB at the same time, because they would require different init systems. Q2: support for alternative init systems as PID 1
A2.1: packages MUST work with one alternative init system (in [iwj])
(Initially, I thought that one here should be understood as sysvinit , as this mail, Ian detailed why he chose to be unspecific about the target init system. However, in that mail, he later clarified that a package requiring systemd or uselessd would be fine as well, given that in practice there aren t going to be many packages that would want to couple specifically to systemd _or_ uselessd, but where support for other init systems is hard to provide.)
To the user, that brings the freedom to switch init systems (assuming that the package will not just support two init systems with specific interfaces, but rather a generic interface common to many init systems).
However, it might require the maintainer to do the required work to support additional init systems, possibly without upstream cooperation.
Lack of support is a policy violation (severity >= serious, RC).
Bugs about degraded operation on some init systems follow the normal bug severity rules. A2.2: packages SHOULD work with alternative init systems as PID 1. (in [lucas])
This is a recommendation. Lack of support is not a policy violation (bug severity < serious, not RC). A2.3: nothing is said about alternative init systems (in [dktrkranz]). Lack of support would likely be a wishlist bug. Q3: special rule for sysvinit to ease wheezy->jessie upgrades
(this question is implicitly dealt with in [iwj], assuming that one of the supported init systems is sysvinit)
A3.1: continue support for sysvinit (in [lucas])
For the jessie release, all software available in Debian wheezy that supports being run under sysvinit should continue to support sysvinit unless there is no technically feasible way to do so. A3.2: no requirement to support sysvinit (in [dktrkranz])
Theoretically, this could require two-step upgrades: first reboot with systemd, then upgrade other packages Q4: non-binding recommendation to maintainers
A4.1: recommend that maintainers accept patches that add or improve
support for alternative init systems. (in both [iwj] and [lucas], with a different wording) A4.2: say nothing (in [dktrkranz]) Q5: support for init systems with are the default on non-Linux ports
A5.1: non-binding recommendation to add/improve support with a high priority (in [lucas]) A5.2: say nothing (in [iwj] and [dktrkranz]) Comments are closed: please discuss by replying to that mail.

17 October 2014

Lucas Nussbaum: Debian Package of the Day revival (quite)

TL;DR: static version of, as it was when it was shut down in 2009, available! A long time ago, between 2006 and 2009, there was a blog called Debian Package of the Day. About once per week, it featured an article about one of the gems available in the Debian archive: one of those many great packages that you had never heard about. At some point in November 2009, after 181 articles, the blog was hacked and never brought up again. Last week I retrieved the old database, generated a static version, and put it online with the help of DSA. It is now available again at Some of the articles are clearly outdated, but many of them are about packages that are still available in Debian, and still very relevant today.

27 September 2014

DebConf team: Wrapping up DebConf14 (Posted by Paul Wise, Donald Norwood)

The annual Debian developer meeting took place in Portland, Oregon, 23 to 31 August 2014. DebConf14 attendees participated in talks, discussions, workshops and programming sessions. Video teams captured a lot of the main talks and discussions for streaming for interactive attendees and for the Debian video archive. Between the video, presentations, and handouts the coverage came from the attendees in blogs, posts, and project updates. We ve gathered a few articles for your reading pleasure: Gregor Herrmann and a few members of the Debian Perl group had an informal unofficial pkg-perl micro-sprint and were very productive. Vincent Sanders shared an inspired gift in the form of a plaque given to Russ Allbery in thanks for his tireless work of keeping sanity in the Debian mailing lists. Pictures of the plaque and design scheme are linked in the post. Vincent also shared his experiences of the conference and hopes the organisers have recovered. Noah Meyerhans adventuring to Debian by train, (Inter)netted some interesting IPv6 data for future road and railwarriors. Hideki Yamane sent a gentle reminder for English speakers to speak more slowly. Daniel Pocock posted of GSoC talks at DebConf14, highlights include the Java Project Dependency Builder and the WebRTC JSCommunicator. Thomas Goirand gives us some insight into a working task list of accomplishments and projects he was able to complete at DebConf14, from the OpenStack discussion to tasksel talks, and completion of some things started last year at DebConf13. Antonio Terceiro blogged about debci and the Debian Continuous Integration project, Ruby, Redmine, and Noosfero. His post also shares the atmosphere of being able to interact directly with peers once a year. Stefano Zacchiroli blogged about a talk he did on debsources which now has its own HACKING file. Juliana Louback penned: DebConf 2014 and How I Became a Debian Contributor. Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph s in-depth summary of DebConf14 is a great read. She discussed Debian Validation & CI, debci and the Continuous Integration project, Automated Validation in Debian using LAVA, and Outsourcing webapp maintenance. Lucas Nussbaum by way of a blog post releases the very first version of Debian Trivia modelled after the TCP/IP Drinking Game. Fran ois Marier s shares additional information and further discussion on Outsourcing your webapp maintenance to Debian. Joachim Breitner gave a talk on Haskell and Debian, created a new tool for binNMUs for Haskell packages which runs via cron job. The output is available for Haskell and for OCaml, and he still had a small amount of time to go dancing. Jaldhar Harshad Vyas was not able to attend DebConf this year, but he did tune in to the videos made available by the video team and gives an insightful viewpoint to what was being seen. J r my Bobbio posted about Reproducible builds in Debian in his recap of DebConf14. One of the topics at hand involved defining a canonical path where packages must be built and a BOF discussion on reproducible builds from where the conversation moved to discussions in both Octave and Groff. New helpers dh_fixmtimes and dh_genbuildinfo were added to BTS. The .buildinfo format has been specified on the wiki and reviewed. Lots of work is being done in the project, interested parties can help with the TODO list or join the new IRC channel #debian-reproducible on Steve McIntyre posted a Summary from the d-i / debian-cd BoF at DC14, with some of the session video available online. Current jessie D-I needs some help with the testing on less common architectures and languages, and release scheduling could be improved. Future plans: Switching to a GUI by default for jessie, a default desktop and desktop choice, artwork, bug fixes and new architecture support. debian-cd: Things are working well. Improvement discussions are on selecting which images to make I.E. netinst, DVD, et al., debian-cd in progress with http download support, Regular live test builds, Other discussions and questions revolve around which ARM platforms to support, specially-designed images, multi-arch CDs, and cloud-init based images. There is also a call for help as the team needs help with testing, bug-handling, and translations. Holger Levsen reports on feedback about the feedback from his LTS talk at DebConf14. LTS has been perceived well, fits a demand, and people are expecting it to continue; however, this is not without a few issues as Holger explains in greater detail the lacking gatekeeper mechanisms, and how contributions are needed from finance to uploads. In other news the security-tracker is now fixed to know about old stable. Time is short for that fix as once jessie is released the tracker will need to support stable, oldstable which will be wheezy, and oldoldstable. Jonathan McDowell s summary of DebConf14 includes a fair perspective of the host city and the benefits of planning of a good DebConf14 location. He also talks about the need for facetime in the Debian project as it correlates with and improves everyone s ability to work together. DebConf14 also provided the chance to set up a hard time frame for removing older 1024 bit keys from Debian keyrings. Steve McIntyre posted a Summary from the State of the ARM BoF at DebConf14 with updates on the 3 current ports armel, armhf and arm64. armel which targets the ARM EABI soft-float ARMv4t processor may eventually be going away, while armhf which targets the ARM EABI hard-float ARMv7 is doing well as the cross-distro standard. Debian is has moved to a single armmp kernel flavour using Device Tree Blobs and should be able to run on a large range of ARMv7 hardware. The arm64 port recently entered the main archive and it is hoped to release with jessie with 2 official builds hosted at ARM. There is talk of laptop development with an arm64 CPU. Buildds and hardware are mentioned with acknowledgements for donated new machines, Banana Pi boards, and software by way of ARM s DS-5 Development Studio - free for all Debian Developers. Help is needed! Join #debian-arm on and/or the debian-arm mailing list. There is an upcoming Mini-DebConf in November 2014 hosted by ARM in Cambridge, UK. Tianon Gravi posted about the atmosphere and contrast between an average conference and a DebConf. Joseph Bisch posted about meeting his GSOC mentors, attending and contributing to a keysigning event and did some work on debmetrics which is powering Debmetrics provides a uniform interface for adding, updating, and viewing various metrics concerning Debian. Harlan Lieberman-Berg s DebConf Retrospective shared the feel of DebConf, and detailed some of the work on debugging a build failure, work with the pkg-perl team on a few uploads, and work on a javascript slowdown issue on codeeditor. Ana Guerrero L pez reflected on Ten years contributing to Debian.

10 September 2014

Lucas Nussbaum: Will the packages you rely on be part of Debian Jessie?

The start of the jessie freeze is quickly approaching, so now is a good time to ensure that packages you rely on will the part of the upcoming release. Thanks to automated removals, the number of release critical bugs has been kept low, but this was achieved by removing many packages from jessie: 841 packages from unstable are not part of jessie, and won t be part of the release if things don t change. It is actually simple to check if you have packages installed locally that are part of those 841 packages:
  1. apt-get install how-can-i-help (available in backports if you don t use testing or unstable)
  2. how-can-i-help --old
  3. Look at packages listed under Packages removed from Debian testing and Packages going to be removed from Debian testing
Then, please fix all the bugs :-) Seriously, not all RC bugs are hard to fix. A good starting point to understand why a package is not part of jessie is tracker.d.o. On my laptop, the two packages that are not part of jessie are the geeqie image viewer (which looks likely to be fixed in time), and josm, the OpenStreetMap editor, due to three RC bugs. It seems much harder to fix If you fix it in time for jessie, I ll offer you a $drink!

31 August 2014

Lucas Nussbaum: Debian trivia

After an intensive evening of brainstorming by the 5th floor cabal, I am happy to release the very first version of the Debian Trivia, modeled after the famous TCP/IP Drinking Game. Only the questions are listed here maybe they should go (with the answers) into a package? Anyone willing to co-maintain? Any suggestions for additional questions?

24 August 2014

Lucas Nussbaum: on the Dark Ages of Free Software: a Free Service Definition ?

Stefano Zacchiroli opened DebConf 14 with an insightful talk titled Debian in the Dark Ages of Free Software (slides available, video available soon). He makes the point (quoting slide 16) that the Free Software community is winning a war that is becoming increasingly pointless: yes, users have 100% Free Software thin client at their fingertips [or are really a few steps from there]. But all their relevant computations happen elsewhere, on remote systems they do not control, in the Cloud. That give-up on control of computing is a huge and important problem, and probably the largest challenge for everybody caring about freedom, free speech, or privacy today. Stefano rightfully points out that we must do something about it. The big question is: how can we, as a community, address it? Towards a Free Service Definition? I believe that we all feel a bit lost with this issue because we are trying to attack it with our current tools & weapons. However, they are largely irrelevant here: the Free Software Definition is about software, and software is even to be understood strictly in it, as software programs. Applying it to services, or to computing in general, doesn t lead anywhere. In order to increase the general awareness about this issue, we should define more precisely what levels of control can be provided, to understand what services are not providing to users, and to make an informed decision about waiving a particular level of control when choosing to use a particular service. Benjamin Mako Hill pointed out yesterday during the post-talk chat that services are not black or white: there aren t impure and pure services. Instead, there s a graduation of possible levels of control for the computing we do. The Free Software Definition lists four freedoms how many freedoms, or types of control, should there be in a Free Service Definition, or a Controlled-Computing Definition? Again, this is not only about software: the platform on which a particular piece of software is executed has a huge impact on the available level of control: running your own instance of WordPress, or using an instance on, provides very different control (even if as Asheesh Laroia pointed out yesterday, WordPress does a pretty good job at providing export and import features to limit data lock-in). The creation of such a definition is an iterative process. I actually just realized today that (according to Wikipedia) the very first occurrence of an attempt at a Free Software Definition was published in 1986 (GNU s bulletin Vol 1 No.1, page 8) I thought it happened a couple of years earlier. Are there existing attempts at defining such freedoms or levels of controls, and at benchmarking such criteria against existing services? Such criteria would not only include control over software modifications and (re)distribution, but also likely include mentions of interoperability and open standards, both to enable the user to move to a compatible service, and to avoid forcing the user to use a particular implementation of a service. A better understanding of network effects is also needed: how much and what type of service lock-in is acceptable on social networks in exchange of functionality? I think that we should inspire from what was achieved during the last 30 years on Free Software. The tools that were produced are probably irrelevant to address this issue, but there s a lot to learn from the way they were designed. I really look forward to the day when we will have: Exciting times!

2 June 2014

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Free Software Activities since January 2014

If you follow my blog closely, you noticed that I skipped all my usual monthly summaries in 2014. It s not that I stopped doing free software work, instead I was just too busy to be able to report about what I did. As an excuse, let me tell you that we just moved into a new house which was in construction since may last year. The lack of visible activity on my blog resulted in a steady decrease of the amount of donations received (January: 70.72 , February: 71.75 , March: 51.25 , April: 39.9 , May: 40.33 ). Special thanks to all the people who kept supporting my work even though I stopped reporting about it. So let s fix this. This report will be a bit less detailed since it covers the whole period since the start of the year. Debian France Preparations related to general assemblies. The year started with lots of work related to Debian France. First I took care of setting up limesurvey with Alexandre Delano to handle the vote to pick our new logo:
The new logo of Debian France I also helped Sylvestre Ledru to finalize and close the accounting books for 2013 in preparation for the general assembly that was due later in the month. I wrote the moral report of the president to be presented to the assembly. And last step, I collected vote mandates to ensure that we were going to meet the quorum for the extraordinary assembly that was planned just after the usual yearly assembly. The assemblies took place during a two days mini-debconf in Paris (January 17-18) where I was obviously present even though I gave no talk besides announcing the logo contest winner and thanking people for their participation.
Assembl e g n rale 2014 de Debian France

The Debian France members during the general assembly

It s worth noting that the extraordinary assembly was meant primarily to enshrine in our bylaws the possibility to act as a trusted organization for Debian. This status should be officialized by the Debian project leader (Lucas Nussbaum) in the upcoming weeks since we answered satisfactorily to all questions. Our paypal donation form and the accounting tools behind it are ready. Galette packaging and members map. I managed to hand over the package maintenance of galette to Fran ois-R gis Vuillemin. I sponsored all his uploads and we packaged a new plugin that allows to create a map with all the members who accept to share their location. The idea was to let people meet each other when they don t live far away with the long term goal to have Debian France organized activities not only in Paris but everywhere in France. New contributor game. Last but not least, I organized a game to encourage people to do their first contribution to Debian by offering them a copy of my book if they managed to complete a small Debian project. We got many interesting projects but the result so far seem to be very mixed. Many people did not complete their project (yet) that said for the few that did substantial work, it was rather good and they seem to be interested to continue to contribute. Debian France booth at Solutions Linux in Paris. Like each year, I spent two days in Paris to help man the Debian France booth at Solutions Linux. We had lots of goodies on sale and we made more than 2000 EUR in earnings during the two days. I also used this opportunity to try to convince companies to support the new Debian LTS effort.
Debian France booth at Solutions Linux

Tanguy Ortolo and Fernando Lagrange behind the Debian France booth

The Debian Administrator s Handbook In the last days of 2013, we released the wheezy update of the book. Then I quickly organized everything needed so that the various translation teams can now focus their efforts on the latest release of the book. Later (in February) I announced the availability of the French and Spanish translations. Debian Squeeze LTS When the security team called for help to try to put in place long term support for Squeeze, I replied positively because I m convinced that it s very important if Debian wants to stay an acceptable choice in big deployments and because I knew that some of my customers would be interested Thus I followed all the discussions (on a semi-private list first and then on and contributed my own experience. I have also taken up the responsibility to coordinate with the Debian contributors who can be hired to work on Squeeze LTS so that we have a clear common offer for all the companies who have offered financial support towards Squeeze LTS. Expect further news on this front in the upcoming days/weeks. Tryton I have been a long time user of SQL-Ledger to manage the accounting of my company Freexian. But while the license is free software, the project is not. It s the work of a single developer who doesn t really accept help. I have thus been considering to move to something else for a long time but never did anything. This year, after some rough evaluation, I decided to switch to Tryton for my company. It s probably not a wise choice from a business perspective because that migration took me many hours of unpaid labor but from a free software perspective it s definitely better than everything else I saw. I contributed a lot of bug reports and a few patches already (#3596, #3631, #3633, #3665, #3667, #3694, #3695, #3696, #3697) mainly about problems found in the French chart of accounts but also about missing features for my use case. I also accepted to sponsor Matthias Berhle, who is maintaining the official Debian packages of Tryton. He s already a Debian maintainer so it s mainly a matter of reviewing new source packages and granting him the required rights. Misc Debian work Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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14 April 2014

Bits from Debian: DPL election is over, Lucas Nussbaum re-elected

The Debian Project Leader election has concluded and the winner is Lucas Nussbaum. Of a total of 1003 developers, 401 developers voted using the Condorcet method. More information about the result is available in the Debian Project Leader Elections 2014 page. The new term for the project leader will start on April 17th and expire on April 17th 2015.

9 April 2014

Lucas Nussbaum:, or how not to do bandwidth tests

While trying to debug a bandwidth problem on a 3G connection, I tried, which ranks fairly high when one searches for bandwidth test on various search engines. I was getting very strange results, so I started wondering if my ISP might be bandwidth-throttling all traffic except the one from tests. After all, that s on a 3G network, and another french 3G ISP (SFR) apparently uses Citrix ByteMobile to optimize the QoE by minifying HTML pages and recompressing images on-the-fly (amongst other things). So, I fired wireshark, and discovered that no, it s just speedtest being a bit naive. Speedtest uses its own text-based protocol on port 8080. Here is an excerpt of a download speed test:

> HI
< HELLO 2.1 2013-08-14.01
> DOWNLOAD 1000000
Yeah, right: sequences of ABCDEFGHIJ . How course, extremely easy to compress, which apparently happens transparently on 3G (or is it PPP? but I tried to disable PPP compression, and it did not see any change). It s funny how digging into problems that look promising at first sight often results in big disappointments :-(

1 April 2014

Bits from Debian: Debian Project elects Javier Merino Cacho as Project Leader

This post was an April Fools' Day joke. Alt Red Nose DPL In accordance with its constitution, the Debian Project has just elected Javier Merino Cacho as Debian Project Leader. More than 80% of voters put him as their first choice (or equal first) on their ballot papers. Javier's large majority over his opponents shows how his inspiring vision for the future of the Debian project is largely shared by the other developers. Lucas Nussbaum and Neil McGovern also gained a lot of support from Debian project members, both coming many votes ahead of the None of the above ballot choice. Javier has been a Debian Developer since February 2012 and, among other packages, works on keeping the mercurial package under control, as mercury is very poisonous for trouts. After it was announced that he had won this year's election, Javier said: I'm flattered by the trust that Debian members have put in me. One of the main points in my platform is to remove the "Debian is old and boring" image. In order to change that, my first action as DPL is to encourage all Debian Project Members to wear a clown red nose in public. Among others, the main points from his platform are mainly related to improve the communication style in mailing lists through an innovative filter called aponygisator, to make Debian less "old and boring", as well as solve technical issues among developers with barehanded fights. Betting on the fights will be not only allowed but encouraged for fundraising reasons. Javier also contemplated the use of misleading talk titles such as The use of cannabis in contemporary ages: a practical approach and Real Madrid vs Barcelona to lure new users and contributors to Debian events. Javier's platform was collaboratively written by a team of communication experts and high profile Debian contributors during the last DebConf. It has since evolved thanks to the help of many other contributors.

20 March 2014

Bits from Debian: Debian Project Leader elections 2014

It's again that time of the year for the Debian Project: the elections of its Project Leader! Starting on March 31st, and during the following two weeks, the Debian Developers will vote to choose the person who will guide the project for one year. Among this year's candidates there is the current DPL, Lucas Nussbaum, who admits that "the workload involved in being the DPL is just huge," and motivates his nomination with the need for stability in the project in this release cycle, especially after the difficult decision about the default init system. In his platform, Lucas speaks of technical and social steps to improve the project: from reproducible builds for a more secure archive to a renewed effort to run Debian on new platforms (especially smartphone and tablets); from a more welcoming approach to prospective contributors to an easier collaboration with organizations. The only other candidate left after Gergely Nagy withdrew his nomination, is former Release Manager Neil McGovern. Neil's platform focuses mainly on the need to "ensure that we cater to our users, and there's millions of them. From those running the latest software in unstable, to people who simply want a rock solid core release." In his opinion "the size of Debian is increasing, and will reach a point where we're unable to guarantee basic compatibility with other packages, or the length of time it takes to do so becomes exponentially longer, unless something changes." To fix this problem, Neil proposes the implementation of PPAs (Personal Package Archives), the modernisation of the current build and infrastructure system as well as generally supporting the various teams. The campaigning period will last until March 30th: the candidates are already engaged in debates and discussions on the debian-vote mailing list where they'll reply to questions from users and contributors.

27 February 2014

Lucas Nussbaum: self-hosting my calendar, follow-up

Following my blog post on the topic, I played a bit with various options. But let s explain my use case (which might be quite specific). I need to deal with three main sources of events: Additionally, I follow some ICS feeds for some colleagues and other events.
I tend to access my calendar mostly on my computer, and sometimes on my N900 phone. None of the web interfaces I looked at enabled me to (1) manage different calendars hosted on different CalDav servers; (2) subscribe to ICS feeds; (3) provide a CalDav interface to synchronize my phone. I ended up using a radicale instance for my personal calendar, which was extremely easy to set up. It s unfortunately a bit slow when there are many events (1600 since 2010 in my case), so I ended up importing only future events, and I will probably have to cleanup from time to time. I switched to using IceDove with the Lightning add-on to manage all my calendars and ICS feeds. It s unfortunately slower and less user-friendly than Google Calendar, but I ll live with it. On my N900, I used syncevolution to synchronize my various CalDav calendars. It works fine, but understanding how to configure it is rather tricky due to the number of concepts involved (templates, databases, servers, contexts, ). The synchronization is quite slow (several minutes for the 400-events Zimbra calendar), but works. I also wanted a way to export my calendars to colleagues (both in a free/busy version, and in a full information version). I quickly hacked something using ruby-agcaldav (which is not packaged in Debian, and required quite a few dependencies, but it was easy to generate packages for all of them using gem2deb the situation with other languages did not look better).
The resulting script is:
require 'agcaldav'
require 'date'
cal = => 'LABCALDAVSERVER', :user => 'xx', :password => "xx")
ev = cal.find_events(:start => '2014-02-01', :end => '2200-01-01') cal = => 'RADICALESERVER', :user => 'xx', :password => "xx")
ev2 = cal.find_events(:start => '2014-02-01', :end => '2200-01-01') limit = (Time::now - 7*86400).to_datetime # create new empty calendars
ncpriv =
ncpub = (ev + ev2).each do e
next if e.end < limit # drop old events to keep the calendar small # build event for the free/busy calendar
pe =
pe.start = e.start
pe.end = e.end
pe.klass = "PRIVATE"
pe.transp = e.transp
ncpriv.add(pe) # build event for the calendar with event information
pube =
pube.start = e.start
pube.end = e.end
pube.transp = e.transp
if not e.klass == "PRIVATE"
pube.summary = e.summary
pube.location = e.location
end # export free/busy calendar
fd = File::new('xx.ics', 'w')
fd.puts ncpriv.to_ical
# export calendar with event information
fd = File::new('yy-Zeeh9bie.ics', 'w')
fd.puts ncpub.to_ical
So, mostly everything works. The only thing that doesn't is that I haven't found a way to subscribe to an ICS feed on my N900. Any ideas?

25 February 2014

Lucas Nussbaum: self-hosting my calendar

I m trying to self-host my calendar setup, and I must admit that I m lost between all the different solutions. My requirements are: It does not seem to be possible to find a single framework doing all of the above. AFAIK: What did I miss?

10 February 2014

Bits from Debian: skyrocketing how-can-i-help popcon count

This is a repost from Stefano Zacchiroli's post how-can-i-help by Lucas Nussbaum is one of the best things that happened in the area of attracting contributions to Debian in quite a while. It can be used both as a standalone tool to list opportunities for contributing to Debian which are related to your installed packages, and as an APT hook (which is also the default configuration) that at each upgrade will inform you of new contribution opportunities. how-can-i-help is great for newbies who are looking for ways to give back to Debian which are a good match for their skills: among other things, how-can-i-help shows bugs tagged "gift" related to packages you use. how-can-i-help is also great for experienced developers, as it allows them to find out, in a timely manner, that packages they use are in dire need of help: RC bugs, pending removals, adoptions needed, requests for sponsor, etc. (As highly unscientific evidence: I've noticed a rather quick turnover of RFA/O/ITA bugs on packages installed on my machine. I suspect how-can-i-help is somehow responsible for that, due to the fact that it increases awareness of ongoing package issues directly with the people using them.) So, if you haven't yet, please apt-get install how-can-i-help RIGHT NOW. I daresay that we should aim at installing how-can-i-help by default on all Debian machines, but that might be an ambitious initial goal. In the meantime I'll settle for making how-can-i-help's popcon count skyrocket. As of today, it looks like this: Alt how-can-i-help popularity contest graph 10/02/2014 which is definitely too low for my taste. Please spread the word about how-can-i-help. And let's see what we can collectively do to that graph. how-can-i-help is just a tiny teeny helper, but I'm convinced it can do wonders in liberating dormant contributions to the Debian Project.

